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Preschool Tumbling
This class is for children ages 3-5 years old. Our coaches safely introduce tumbling by building strength, flexibility, balance, and body awareness. While building physical skills, we also strive to build up your child’s confidence and independence. Just a few of the exercises we drill in classes are jumping, balancing, climbing, rolling, and beginner handstands. We ask that all participants are fully potty trained.
Prerequisites: NONE
Intro to Tumbling
This class is for those ages 5+ who are new to tumbling! By focusing on proper technique, strength, and confidence building your athlete will work on the following skills:
Forward and Backward Rolls
One-Handed Cartwheels
Bridges/ Bridge Kick-Overs
Front Limbers
Prerequisites: NONE
Round-Offs & Walkovers
This class is for athletes who have mastered the introductory tumbling skills and are ready to begin connecting their skills. The following skills are taught in this class:
Back Walkovers
Standing Multiple Back Walkovers
Cartwheel Back Walkover
Front Walkovers
Front Walkover Round-Off
Switch-Leg Back Walkovers
Specialty Walkover Passes
Prerequisites: Strong Cartwheel, Handstand, Single Leg Bridge, Backbend, and Front-Limber
In this class, athletes will be coached in both back and front handsprings. There will be a major emphasis on drills and strength building as back handsprings are a major fundamental tumbling skill. This class is split into two age groups, 11 & Under and 12 & Up. The following skills are taught in this class:
Standing Back Handspring
Round-off Back Handspring
Cartwheel Back Handspring
Back Handspring Step-out
Standing Multiple Handsprings
Running Multiple Handsprings
Specialty Handspring Passes
Prerequisites: Back-bend, Bridge Kick-Over, Strong Handstand, Cartwheel, and Strong Round-Off. A Back Walkover, Switch Leg Back Walkover, and Back Walkover snap down are required for the 11 & Under Handspring class and are STRONGLY recommended for the 12 & Up class
handsprings 2
In this class, athletes will be coached in perfecting their back handspring, multiple handsprings, and specialty handspring passes. There will be a major emphasis on drills and strength building as back handsprings are a major fundamental tumbling skill. The following skills are taught in this class:
Standing Multiple Back Handsprings
Round-off Multiple Back Handsprings
Cartwheel Back Handspring
Front Walk-Over Round-Off Back Handspring
Jump (ex. toe touch) to Back Handspring
Back Walkover Back Handspring
Back Handspring Step Out Round-Off Back-Handspring
Prerequisites: Consistent Standing Back Handspring and Round-Off Back Handspring. A back walkover is STRONGLY recommended
Back Tucks & Punch Fronts
This class is designed for athletes who have mastered their back handspring series. In this class athletes will be instructed on the following skills:
Round-Off Tuck
Round-Off Back Handspring Tuck
Cartwheel Tuck
Standing Tuck
Jump to Standing Tuck
Multiple Handsprings to Tuck
Single Handspring Tuck
Punch Fronts
Punch Front Step-Outs
Round-Off/ Round-Off Back Handspring X-Out
Prerequisites: Strong Round-Off Back Handspring Rebound, Strong Standing Triple Handspring
Layouts & Fulls
In this class, coaches will teach, drill, and strengthen proper layout and full technique. We place major emphasis on making sure that each athlete understands exactly what is happening as they are twisting. The following skills are taught in this class:
Round-Off Back Handspring Layout
Round-Off Layout
Standing Multiple Back Handsprings to Layout
Round-Off/ Round-Off Back Handspring Layout Step-Out
Specialty Passes to Layout
Round-Off Back Handspring Full
Round-Off Full
Standing Multiple Back Handsprings to Full
Standing Full
Specialty Passes to Full
Prerequisites: Round-Off Back Handspring Tuck, Standing Tuck, Standing Double Handspring to Tuck, Cartwheel Tuck
Private Lessons & Open Gyms
1 Hour Private Lesson
Specialized lessons catered to your athlete's goals! Work 1 on 1 with the coach of your choice or with up to 4 friends. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE PRICING VARIES BASED ON EACH COACH'S SPOTTING LEVEL!
Coach Bern: Preschool, Intro, Walkovers, Handsprings, Tucks, & Cheer
Coach Emma: Preschool, Intro, Walkovers, Handsprings, Tucks, Layouts, Fulls, & Cheer
Open Gym
Open Gyms allow athletes to use the facilities and equipment we offer to train independently. This makes it easy to come and work on a specific skill they would like to improve! Open Gyms are supervised but have less structure than a traditional class. All participants must have a waiver signed by a parent or legal guardian.​
Stunting & Cheerleading
Flyer Strength & Flexibility
In this class, athletes will be coached on perfecting the fundamentals of flying while expanding and enhancing their flying skill set. Athletes will focus on gaining flexibility in all body positions while conditioning the critical muscle groups that support balance. The following skills are taught in this class:
Body Awareness
Heel Stretch
Bow n' Arrow
Prerequisites: NONE
Bases & Backs Conditioning & Technique
In this class, athletes will be coached on perfecting the fundamentals of basing and backspotting while improving strength and endurance. Athletes will focus on gaining a better understanding of their stunt position in order to enhance their skill set and help prevent injury. The following fundamentals are covered in this class:
Proper Stunting Form
Proper Stunting Grips
Full Body Conditioning
Routine Endurance
Body Awareness
Prerequisites: NONE
Group Stunt
This class is for athletes interested in leveling up their stunting game and perfecting their current skills. Athletes bring a stunt group of their choice and receive high-quality instruction in proper technique, new skills, and troubleshoot any issues they may be having. Our coaches are versed in all levels of stunting. From beginner to the collegiate level, everyone is invited! Please have each member of your group register independently and include in the comment section what the group is interested in learning or perfecting. Coed partners welcome!
Prerequisites: NONE
Jump Strength & Flexibility
In this class, athletes will be coached in all forms of cheerleading jumps. There will be a major emphasis on strength, flexibility, and motion placement in this class. Many athletes put jumps on the back burner, but jumps are a major component of any cheerleading scoresheet! The following jumps are taught in this class:
High Kick
Toe Touch
Double Toe Touch
Jump Combos
Prerequisites: NONE